
发布时间:2015-10-12 浏览次数:528次 来源: 作者:

指南标题:Use of Biomarkers to Guide Decisions on Systemic Therapy for Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline

发布机构:美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology)

指南发表:J Clin Oncol. 2015 Jul 20.



Clinical Question 1

Under what circumstances (ie, for which patients) should metastases be biopsied or otherwise sampled to test for changes from the primary tumor with respect to endocrine receptor or HER2 status?



Recommendation 1

At initial presentation of metastasis from breast cancer, it is standard of care to biopsy an accessible lesion to confirm metastatic breast cancer. When evaluating the metastatic site(s), it is important to note that the results of ER, PR, and/or HER2 status may have changed from the primary tumor, and these results may inform treatment decisions. Therefore, this Panel recommends restesting for ER, PR, and HER2 on one metastasis with careful attention to assayper formance, particularly for bone metastases. However, for patients with documented changes in these biomarkers, data are lacking to determine whether outcomes from systemic therapy are altered when guided by biomarker test results from the metastases. The Panel informal consensus for the management of care when there is discordance of ER, PR, or HER2 results between primary and metastatic tissues is to use the ER, PR, or HER2 status from the metastasis to direct therapy, if supported by the clinical scenario and the patient’s goals for care. (Type: evidence based for biomarker change from primary to metastasis, but no evidence to demonstrate that systemic therapy choices affect health outcomes when biomarker change occurs. Evidence quality: insufficient. Strength of recommendation: moderate.)



骨活检标本的脱钙作用可能会影响ER、PR及HER2检测结果。因此只要有可能,应使标本在检测前的处理过程中不进行脱钙。应用ethylenedi-aminetetra-acetic acid以及减少甲酸脱钙时间为可行方法;然而,这两种方法都有缺陷,并且在临床应用前均需进行验证。将有活性的肿瘤组织从宿主骨骼物理分离,可使至少一部分肿瘤组织不必经过脱钙处理,但可能细针活检标本不能实现。对于乳腺癌骨转移病灶的穿刺活检,将伴有血凝块的组织与骨组织碎片分别用标本容器送检可能不必经过脱钙处理,且可用于检测乳腺癌骨转移灶的HER2状态。若无法检测到未经脱钙的标本,应谨慎解读阴性结果,并考虑对额外或更合适的标本进行检测。


Clinical Interpretation

The differential diagnosis for a lesion suggestive of a metastatic focus ranges from benign to malignant, including a new malignancy. Hence, when possible, this Panel recommends a biopsy be performed. If metastatic disease is confirmed, subsequent treatment planning can be made with confidence of the condition at hand. The Expert Panel reviewed the available data and found that the frequency of change from the primary tumor to the metastasis for ER, PR, orHER2 was uncommon,10% in all cases of pooled estimates. This represents a significant number of patients and is therefore clinically meaningful. There are several potential explanations for these changes, including variability in assay performance, tumor heterogeneity, and biologic evolution of the tumor.Although each reason for change may have its own potential significance, performing rebiopsy and retesting for ER, PR, and HER2 was believed to be justified in all cases, given that the choice of current therapy is largely determined by these biomarkers. The Panel believed that special circumstances should be noted in patients with bone metastases for whom results of ER, PR, and HER2 maybe unreliable with current pathology practices.

The decalcification of bone biopsy material for the analysis of ER, PR, and HER2 may alter the outcome of the tumor analysis. Whenever possible, testing of bone metastases should be performed using a validated assay with a sample that has not been decalcified during preanalytic processing. Using ethylenedi-aminetetra-acetic acid-based decalcification solutions and trying to limit the time in formic acid decalcification represent possible options; however, both approaches have disadvantages and should be validated before being offered clinically for breast cancer biomarker analysis. The ability to physically separate viable tumor from host skeletal tissue, so that at least some of the tumor can be processed without having to undergo decalcification, would be clearly advantageous, but may not be practical on small-needle biopsy specimens. For needle biopsies of metastatic breast cancer to bone, submitting the accompanying blood clot in the specimen container separately from the fragments of bony tissue may yield viable tumor that would not have to undergo decalcification and could be used for the analysis of HER2 in breast cancer metastatic to skeletal tissue. If it is not possible to test a sample that has not undergone decalcification, a negative result should be interpreted with caution, and consideration should be given to an additional and more suitable biopsy sample for testing.

In cases of discordance between the primary and metastatic site, the clinician should ensure that appropriate assay procedures were performed, given that this has the potential to affect treatment of the patient. Finally, emerging evidence suggests a greater importance of both inter-and intratumoral heterogeneity than previously appreciated. Studies have shown that different metastatic sites may contain different biomarker profiles, and clones within tumors may vary by molecular profile. The clinical consequences ofthese findings are as yet unknown. The Panel informal consensus for the management of care when there is discordance of ER, PR, or HER2 results between primary and metastatic tissues is to use the ER, PR, or HER2 status from the metastasis to direct therapy, if supported by the clinical scenario and the patient’s goals for care. Clinical judgment must be exercised.